Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bulletin Board Material

He who guards his mouth and his tongue
keeps himself from calamity.
Proverbs 21:23

Carson Palmer gave all the appearances of a QB on the rise, even including the beating he took on his home field in Cincinnati on Sunday. Then he got in front of a Microphone and said this:
I don't think they're that much better of a team than us. Right now, I think we're the better team. We just didn't play well enough to win.
Apparently, either the beating he took has damaged his ability to reason, erased his memory, or just plain made him stupid, because my lifetime of watching football indicates that if a team rolls up 221 yards of rushing on you, and only needs to throw the football twice in the second half, then you cannot possibly be the better team.

Furthermore, after a sound thrashing like that, it would behoove Mr. Palmer and his fellow Bengals to acknowledge that they were beaten up. Humility has a way of bringing focus to you.

Focus keeps you from missing that safety lurking in the underneath coverage.

Don't think what Mr. Palmer said went unnoticed because it was not responded to. The Steelers ARE focused....and keeping themselves from needless calamity.


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